P.S: The three images used are the preferred cast of the character.

Who's Lisa Morgan?
Lisa Morgan is a seventeen year old sophomore college girl who entered college at a young age, and she's from a wealthy family, the Morgans. Although, she has such background, Lisa is a disciplined girl and doesn't make a big deal about her parents' wealth. She's the first of the two children, and the only girl in the family.
What's her role in LS: The Beginning?
Lisa is the female protagonist in the aforesaid title. The entire story is built around her and the male MC, Stephen Wilson. In other words, the story would be meaningless without her.
What's her turn-off and turn-on?
She's loves sitting under the sun and reading her books or playing with jigsaw puzzles. One thing L isa hates more than anything in the whole world is cold water. Ironically she loves the cold weather, and hardly feels the cold. Also, she can't stand the thought of getting a shot, even though she has never been given one before.

What's her dress code?
Lisa loves wearing only two colors, yellow and red. No one knows whether there's a psychological explanation to this, but to young Lisa it's normal to her, especially when she meets Stephen Wilson with his white and blue dress code.
Does Lisa have any best friend?
Hmm, not at first. Lisa loved being in the comfort of her boyfriend, David Russel, and didn't have any time left for both female and male friends. However, you'd see Lisa mixing up at the end of the book.
Tell us a little about Lisa's mysterious super power.
Her main power is the ability to create and manipulate fire from her bare hands. Lisa can also run faster than the speed of sound, and is able to hear sounds from a great distance, including reading minds and one's heartbeat.

Before Lisa received her powers, her perfect date was having an exquisite dinner in a restaurant close to the beach. Then after that she would lay down on the beach, on top a red cloth surrounded with yellow candles. However, this fantasy came to a halt the minute Stephen Wilson shook her hand.
If Lisa had one wish, what would she go for?
Again, it depends on the timing. If Lisa had one wish a few weeks after she received her powers, she'd wish for them to be taken away. However, if she had one wish after her first date with Stephen Wilson, she'd wish for the revelation of the mysteries behind her power.
In Lisa's words, what do you think of the series, LS?
"It's like no other; very creative and well planned. At the beginning, there seems to be a bit confusion (even with the characters), but the more you read the more you get entangled with this world of fantasy Kelvin has created."
Thanks Lisa for taking your time to feature in this post. I wish you the best in the LS series.
To learn more about LS: The Beginning, visit Kelvin O'Ralph's blog at Kelvin's World.