Friday, November 16, 2012

An Exciting Year, Rubbing Elbows With the Stars!

Lordy, lord, what a year. Here's a wrap up of all the stars I've met this fall, being a member of the Screen Actors Guild Nominating Committee, as well as my take on many of the films.
Ewan McGregor
By the way, Mr. Ewan McGregor is my first choice to star as the hero in the film version of my book, The Time Baroness. When you read it, picture his face as Ben.
Jake Gyllenhaal
Denzel Washington
George Clooney
Ben Affleck
Hugh Jackman
Paul Rudd

Garrett Hedlund

Irrfan Kahn

Matt Damon


  1. Georgina, You give me goosebumps. What a wonderful collection of talent. I'm sharing your glow. :)

  2. You lucky duck. I'm pea-green with envy (to quote Scarlett O'Hara!)
